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Nakčiai skirtas maisto papildas su L-argininu, L-citrulinu ir vitaminais. • Sudėtyje daug vitaminų C ir E, padedančių apsaugoti ląsteles nuo oksidacinės pažaidos. • Vitaminas C skatina normalią kolageno gamybą ir normalų kraujagyslių funkcionavimą. • Sudėtyje daug folio rūgšties, kuri skatina normalią kraujodaros ir homocisteino apykaitą. • Folatai ir vitaminas C padeda mažinti nuovargį ir išsekimą.




What is a nitrogen oxide?

A nitrogen oxide means natural gas made by the organism to maintain normal blood circulation and blood-vessels. The content of nitrogen oxide decreases at night and when a person reaches the age of 30.

What is L-arginine?

  • L-arginine is a main amino acid of natural origin.
  • The benefit of L-arginine for health has been widely researched, especially its input to formation of nitrogen oxide. (1)
  • Although the organism may synthetise L-arginine, its amount in the plasma is mainly determined by its content in food.(2)
  • The food products containing L-arginine: meat, wheat, milk, rice, corn, soy and nuts. An ordinary western ration, when daily amount of 100 g of proteins is supplied, gives approximately 5,4 g of L-arginine per day. The interval may vary from 3 to 6 g per day. (3)

What is L-citrulline?

  • The majority of received citrulline is converted to Arg that may contribute later to formation of nitrogen oxide. (4)
  • The content of citrulline in the most of food products is very small, except for vegetables of Cucurbitaceae family (watermelons, marrows, cucumber and pumpkins), where the citrulline concentration is relatively high (0,7-3,6 mg/g of fresh vegetables). The same quantity is available in some algae. (5)

RECOMMENDED USE: pour two scoops (10 g) into 250 ml of room-temperature water. It may be also mixed with juice. Drink in the evening, before bed.

  1. Bai et al (2009). Am J Clin Nutr, 89(1), 77-84; Fayh et al (2013). European journal of nutrition, 52(3), 975-983; Miller AL. (2006). Alternative Medicine Review, 11(1), 23 – 29; Oka et al (2005). Vascular Medicine, 10, 265 – 274;

Rytlewskiet al (2005). European Journal of Clinical Investigation, 35, 32 – 37; Smith et al (2006). J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg, 132(1), 58 – 65.

  1. Appleton, J. (2002). Alternative medicine review : a journal of clinical therapeutic, 7(6), 512-522; Wu et al (1998). The Biochemical journal, 336 (Pt 1), 1-17.
  2. Shao, A., & Hathcock, J. N. (2008). Regulatory toxicology and pharmacology : RTP, 50(3), 376-399; Tong, B. C., & Barbul, A. (2004). Mini reviews in medicinal chemistry, 4(8), 823-832.
  3. Bahri et al (2008). Clin Nutr, 27(6), 872-880; Bahri et al (2013). Nutrition, 29(3), 479-484; Curis et al (2007). Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 10(5), 620-626; Curis et al (2005). Amino Acids, 29(3), 177-205; Cynober et al (2010).

Clin Nutr, 29(5), 545-551; Moinard et al (2008). The British journal of nutrition, 99(4), 855-862; Smith et al (1997). Anaerobe, 3(5), 327-337.

  1. Bahri et al (2013). Nutrition, 29(3), 479-484; Curis et al (2007). Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care, 10(5), 620-626; ODS, & NLM. (2014). Dietary Supplement Label Database: Dietary Ingredient – Citrulline. Dietary Supplement Label Database.